Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Look what I can do!

While I was writing an email, Ryan figured out how to climb inside the box that holds our wood blocks. He was so proud and fit just perfectly! His other new feat: climbing into Alex's bed. It all started yesterday, he had free roam in the house and their door was open, I couldn't find him and there he is sitting on her bed looking so proud and grinning from ear to ear. So that is the new hot spot. And of course, being a boy, he thinks the way to get out of the bed is to just dive off the side so we have to be careful. It is just a toddler bed though so he can sort of just crawl off the side.

And an Alexism for you...we got the kid's Christmas outfits last week, thanks to my Mom, and I was going on about how cute I thought they were and how well they matched and Alex says "Yeah, people are going to say 'Your kids are so adorable!'" So conceited at such a young age! They will be cute though.

Nik is working so awfully hard right now. UPS is of course getting busier by the day with the Holidays approaching and The Barn also gets very busy normally plus they have a Holiday event starting this weekend! He has mostly just been driving for UPS though. It is so nice to have him home at night after 1.5 years of working 6-10pm. All you Moms know that can be a stressful time with dinner cleanup, bath and bed!

**Also want to note that anyone can comment now, I changed the settings!**

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