And I have seriously wasted this week.
Maybe it's that we are all sick.
Maybe it's the weather (although it has been okay this week!)
I have just had no motivation, have been full of worry about the kids with their colds. What am I thankful for? Nik has driven at UPS all week, and is feeling more and more comfortable with the job and it will result in a good paycheck next week!
So my laundry is waiting, along with a dirty highchair and dishes from last night. Alex is still sleeping, thank God because her little body needs that! I really and truly hope our winter is not like this health-wise. Lord, it would be good if this was it. These 2 colds/coughs have been enough. I think the kids are just passing it back and forth so it is taking them so long to get over it. And I am really praying that we don't have to go back to the Dr's office and I'm also really praying that this is still viral. I don't think another round of abx would be a good thing for them. I'm having a lot of anxiety about them being sick. I don't know why...they aren't that fevers except a little one for Alex a few days ago---everytime someone has a little coughing spell it strikes anxiety in me. Maybe because I've just been waiting for them to get better and everytime they wake up coughing I realize no today is not the day they are going to get better.
I know this is a whiny post but I am in that kind of mood, trying to turn it around today!
But you would really never know she is sick...(and she didn't cough up a lung this morning, so my hopes are high!)